Cranky Monster, Inc seems to be ultra slow today.... Lag lag lag. Anyway, it's been hell week so far and it seems to be so for at least the next few days.

I received an invitation to attend ORA dinner today but I doubt I'm going. No time, no money and most importantly I'm a Nobody. Yeah, I'll never be a prominent Rafflesian and my name will never be carved onto those little wooden panels we used to see high up above our heads along the school building. If it ever appeared, it would probably read 'One who tries everything but knows nothing'. Why I mentioned this is somehow my disillusionment (again! what's new) with my day-to-day work. As I told a friend recently, I end up doing-doing-doing and actually thinking less than I used to when I was a lad. By 'lad', I do mean when I was below 18, yah? I'm now a paunchy, rotund aging-fast-becoming-uncle nightmare. Fortunately at this stage, some people still call me 'kor kor'. Eh, that reminds me to start upkeeping myself. Insteading of 'Keeping up Appearances', I should start a section calling 'Looking for that Elusive Appearance'. It's not that I lack confidence in my look. I probably had TOO MUCH of confidence. People around me, my mum included, have started saying 'Better control your weight'. Now that's bad, considering that I've always been told to put on weight. I guess I have reached the point of 'enough is enough'.

I don't understand why I write so much crap nowadays. I should try to be more lucid in my writing. Think like Emily Bronte, adopt a humour like Shakespeare and write like ... Like... Like me. I wanted to say Rushie, but it appeared in my head as 'Salmon Rushie'. Furthermore, I don't want to have a price tagged to my head.

My next target. Choral Symposium 2005 in Kyoto. I need to save up a bit, probably like $5000? Need to attend masterclasses, concerts and of course sing! *Japan Delegate: Where you from are? Me: SING-gar-pore*. Hmm...That would be appropriate.

I can always turn a topic I want to talk about into something very trivial. Then again, most things I talk about are trivial, haven't you noticed?

RESOLUTION: start to behave like an adult + look young like a lad + eat less, weigh even less + get GOLD for IPPT + FAT HOPE! Sure, but all fat hopes start from dreams and I'm in need of one badly these days.

They say one dies when one runs out of dreams. I used to have too many, now I only want to go to sleep and dream. It's a sign that I don't have enough sleep, hence no dreams.

Oh it's late. Need to go look for some dreams. Will be back as soon I find one.


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