I've decided to tap on the power of the crawling servers, search engines etc to find these people who have reported missing since eons we left school in the Class of 1992, 4D, Raffles Institution. Apparently many of these people mentioned have no web pages linked to them or were linked to outdated pages. In this age... it's getting easier for me to locate people. Hypertext links are like paper trails now. If for some reason you decided to search for the names below and you know how to locate them (Yes, including you narcissistic 'self-searching' MIA people), please contact me so that I can follow up. Bennett Eng Kim Heng Edwin Loh Chi-Vin Goh Hwee Leng Joey (Last Known: Imperial College, Tanaka Business School) Lam Wai Lau Chi Pan Patrick Lee Guan Shin Lee Han Chiang James Lek Teck Ban Lew Chern Fhan "Squid" Lim Hsiao Ping Richard Madhur Sood Nie Ker Jack Pang Ki Kim Wong Koon Min Yeap Heng Oon "Shang" Cheers. Abel aka Jiayan